
来源:财务与金融系 发布时间:2023-04-13

主题:Fintech and the Future of Finance: “Code is Law” or “Code and Law”?



时间:2023年4月13日(周四)上午 10:00-11:30




The past one hundred years have witnessed marvelous advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). The advancement is integrating cyberspace, physical space, and social space into the cyber-physical-social systems (CPSS), which expands extraordinarily the territories of human civilizations. However, AI per se is not enough to establish trust in CPSS, which is the cornerstone of prosperity in every civilized society. Blockchain, also coined as decentralized AI, has the potential to empower AI to be more trustworthy by creating a decentralized trust of privacy, security, and auditability. However, the current blockchain technology is evidently not a panacea for doubts about human trust. Then, why “throw the baby out with the bathwater?” Existing mechanisms for cultivating human trust have created economic prosperity and human civilizations for thousands of years. How can we integrate blockchain technology into the existing governance, economics, and ethics to create an ideal society in the new era of CPSS? Specifically, how government regulations and corporate governance (the law) can contribute to economic prosperity together with the blockchain technology (the code)? In this talk, we initiate an open dialog of interdisciplinary studies for Fintech and the Future of Finance. In spirits of Philosopher Hegel’s dialectics, we start with an introduction to decentralized finance (DeFi) as the first application of blockchain to economics, the being (thesis); then, we evaluate obstacles to overcome before DeFi can benefit the general public, the nothing (anti-thesis); finally, we envision the synthetic solutions where Centralized Finance (CeFi) and DeFi co-exist to benefit the future of finance, the becoming (synthesis). Our interdisciplinary approach includes both qualitative and quantitative methods in philosophy, AI, economics, sociology, psychology, and computational science.


张露瑶博士现任昆山杜克大学经济学助理教授及数据科学中心资深研究员。她目前致力于围绕区块链应用场景的跨学科和产学研。她广泛地涉足于包含计算经济学(算法博弈论和机制设计)、人工智能(机器学习 和人机交互)、加密经济学(区块链共识机制及分布式金融)、行为经济 学(有限理性、信任及合作)和跨学科大数据(社交媒体、可持续发展 及全球健康)等多个前沿跨学科领域。她的研究同时发表在国际顶尖或具有高影响因子的经济学和计算科学领域的期刊和会议,包括American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the World Economy, Nature Research Scientific Data, Springer Nature Social Indicator Research, ACM CCS, AAAI/ACM AIES, IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Proceedings, Remote Sensing, Journal of Digital Earth, Data and Information Management, etc. 她曾就读于北京大学,获经济学文学学士及数学与应用数学双学位,并获得包含国家奖学金、廖凯原奖学金,五四奖学金,三好学生标兵,北京市优秀毕业生等荣誉。她博士毕业于美国俄亥俄州立大学,获得跨所有学科最高荣誉的校长奖学金,优秀教学奖,JMCB奖学金等荣誉。她的博士毕业论文受到了美国自然科学基金的资助。她同时持有牛津大学的区块链战略证书和40多项数据科学证书。她主持的名为“区块链上的可信机制设计:博弈论、强化学习和人机交互的跨学科方法”的项目获得了中国国家自然科学基金的资助。


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